blob: c1c2f20e9cee178dcded3f4c4c8763b00a29104b [file] [log] [blame] [view]
The [Melange]( community uses the `#melange` channel on
`` ([Freenode]( for conversations and
discussions about the project.
* It's logged [here](
Everyone is welcome to participate on the `#melange` IRC channel, even those
who are not project owners or members. Most of the time, the channel will
be open (no `+m` moderation).
Contributors listed as "project owners" on the
[SoC project]( hosted on
[Google Code]( are set to `ACCESS` template `AOP` in the
channel, which is the `AUTOOP` level for the channel. Contributors listed
as "project members" on that project page are set to
`ACCESS` template `VOP` in the channel, which is the `AUTOVOICE` level for the
Occasionally, the project contributors (owners and members) may need to hold
an IRC meeting on the channel, and in those cases the `+m` moderation
_might_ be enabled if the meeting participants deem necessary. (This is
why project members are set to `ACCESS` template `VOP`, the `AUTOVOICE` level
for the channel.)
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[Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License](