Edited wiki page LifeOfARequest through web user interface.
diff --git a/LifeOfARequest.wiki b/LifeOfARequest.wiki
index eac2232..0461ba3 100644
--- a/LifeOfARequest.wiki
+++ b/LifeOfARequest.wiki
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
     1. Initialize request, arguments and keyword arguments as instance variables
     2. It is checked if the application is currently in maintenance mode, if so MaintainceMode exception is raised and users are asked to try again later.
     3. Access check is called so as to determine if the current user is allowed to submit the request
-    3. Delegates how the request is supposed to be handled in _dispatch
-    4. Handles several known exception types that may have been raised.
-    5. Returns the response.
\ No newline at end of file
+    4. The request is delegated to an appropriate function for processing
+    5. In case of exceptions, they are caught and handled
+    5. The response is returned to Django layer
+Right now we will describe each step individually. Let us start with the first one. At the beginning of each request processing, there is initialization phase which is performed by by init() function. It it responsible for returning three values: a RequestData object associated with the request, an instance of AccessChecker and Mutator.