diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddbc82c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Vendor branches
+`trunk/thirdparty` contains several packages that are
+maintained as
+[svn vendor branches](
+The `` script in `trunk/thirdparty/svn`
+is used to maintain these vendor branches.
+## Updating Google App Engine
+Download the latest `.zip` file containing the Google
+App Engine SDK from the
+[Google App Engine SDK downloads list](
+Unzip the downloaded `.zip` file.
+From the `trunk/` directory of a Melange `svn` working
+copy the `` command would look something
+thirdparty/svn/ \
+ --svn_username SVN_USERNAME \
+ --svn_password SVN_PASSWORD \
+ \
+ . \
+ PATH/TO/google_appengine/
+  * _SVN\_USERNAME_ is your [Melange]( user name
+  * _SVN\_PASSWORD_ is your [Google Code Subversion password](
+  * _PATH/TO/google\_appengine/_ is the path to the unzipped Google App Engine SDK
+At some point, if the
+[Google App Engine SDK source repository](
+ever begins tracking the contents of the release download
+`.zip` files, needing to download the archive file and unzip
+it will be replaced with `svn:externals` for
+## Updating Django
+From the `trunk/` directory of a Melange `svn` working
+copy the `` command would look something
+thirdparty/svn/ \
+ --svn_username SVN_USERNAME \
+ --svn_password SVN_PASSWORD \
+ \
+ . \
+ ../vendor/django
+  * _SVN\_USERNAME_ is your [Melange]( user name
+  * _SVN\_PASSWORD_ is your [Google Code Subversion password](
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index b82bcbb..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#summary Maintaining third-party code using /vendor
-#labels Importance-Details,Phase-Implementation,Contents-Draft
-= Vendor branches =
-`trunk/thirdparty` contains several packages that are
-maintained as
-[ svn vendor branches].
-The `` script in `trunk/thirdparty/svn`
-is used to maintain these vendor branches.
-== Updating Google App Engine ==
-Download the latest `.zip` file containing the Google
-App Engine SDK from the
-[ Google App Engine SDK downloads list].
-Unzip the downloaded `.zip` file.
-From the `trunk/` directory of a Melange `svn` working
-copy the `` command would look something
-thirdparty/svn/ \
- --svn_username SVN_USERNAME \
- --svn_password SVN_PASSWORD \
- \
- . \
- PATH/TO/google_appengine/
-  * _SVN_USERNAME_ is your [ Melange] user name
-  * _SVN_PASSWORD_ is your [ Google Code Subversion password]
-  * _PATH/TO/google_appengine/_ is the path to the unzipped Google App Engine SDK
-At some point, if the
-[ Google App Engine SDK source repository]
-ever begins tracking the contents of the release download
-`.zip` files, needing to download the archive file and unzip
-it will be replaced with `svn:externals` for
-== Updating Django ==
-From the `trunk/` directory of a Melange `svn` working
-copy the `` command would look something
-thirdparty/svn/ \
- --svn_username SVN_USERNAME \
- --svn_password SVN_PASSWORD \
- \
- . \
- ../vendor/django
-  * _SVN_USERNAME_ is your [ Melange] user name
-  * _SVN_PASSWORD_ is your [ Google Code Subversion password]