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+The community of contributors to the [Melange]( project
+wants to foster an environment where the [SoC framework]( and the
+web applications that use it are developed and improved to the benefit of
+pen source and free software organizations everywhere.  One
+way to foster such a friendly and harmonious environment is to adopt
+a set of community standards to which everyone agrees.
+These guidelines strive to encourage sense of community and mutual
+respect between Melange contributors, existing open source and free
+software organizations, and sponsoring organizations that use Melange
+and the SoC framework to provide programs like
+[Google Summer of Code]( <sup>TM</sup> that benefit many people.  The
+goal is to avoid situations like those described in
+[this talk](
+So, in order to participate in the Melange contributor community, you need
+to agree to abide by the same guidelines and standards that have been
+accepted by the rest of that community.  The Melange contributors, as a
+community, will update these guidelines as needed, as the community grows.
+## CLA
+A completed Contributor License Agreement (CLA) is needed in order to
+contribute to the Melange project.  Please choose the
+[CLA]( appropriate to your situation, complete
+it, and submit it by following the instructions in the selected CLA.
+## Reviews
+Contributions to the Melange project, including
+[source code](,
+[documentation](, and
+the like, are subject to reviews by the other contributors to the project.
+You need to agree to the [contribution review processes](
+developed by the Melange community in order to contribute to the Melange
+## Testing
+Source code contributions to the Melange project are subject to
+[testing guidelines]( that should be met _before_
+requesting a [code review]( of a new
+[patch]( or
+[major feature in a developer branch](
+You need to agree to the [testing policies](
+developed by the Melange community in order to contribute to the Melange
+## Mailing lists
+The Melange community uses a pair of mailing lists to communicate.
+The first, the
+[discussion mailing list](,
+is used for general announcements.  The second, the
+[developer mailing list](, is
+used strictly by project owners and members of the
+[SoC project]( on
+[Google Code](  Please take a look at the
+[mailing list guidelines](  Everyone
+participating on these mailing lists is asked to abide by them, not
+just Melange contributors.
+## IRC channel
+The Melange community communicates informally using the `#melange` channel
+on `` ([Freenode](  Please take a look
+at the [IRC channel guidelines](  Everyone
+participating on the `#melange` channel is asked to abide by them, not
+just Melange contributors.
+_Copyright 2008 Google Inc._
+_This work is licensed under a_
+[Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License](
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index f84c5d2..0000000
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-#summary Terms for contributing to Melange
-#labels Contents-Complete,Phase-Guidelines,Importance-Useful
-The community of contributors to the [MelangeIntro Melange] project
-wants to foster an environment where the [SoCOverview SoC framework] and the
-web applications that use it are developed and improved to the benefit of
-pen source and free software organizations everywhere.  One
-way to foster such a friendly and harmonious environment is to adopt
-a set of community standards to which everyone agrees.
-These guidelines strive to encourage sense of community and mutual
-respect between Melange contributors, existing open source and free
-software organizations, and sponsoring organizations that use Melange
-and the SoC framework to provide programs like
-[GSoC Google Summer of Code] ^TM^ that benefit many people.  The
-goal is to avoid situations like those described in
-[ this talk].
-So, in order to participate in the Melange contributor community, you need
-to agree to abide by the same guidelines and standards that have been
-accepted by the rest of that community.  The Melange contributors, as a
-community, will update these guidelines as needed, as the community grows.
-== CLA ==
-A completed Contributor License Agreement (CLA) is needed in order to
-contribute to the Melange project.  Please choose the 
-[ContributorLicenseAgreements CLA] appropriate to your situation, complete
-it, and submit it by following the instructions in the selected CLA.
-== Reviews ==
-Contributions to the Melange project, including
-[ContributionReviews#Code_reviews source code],
-[ContributionReviews#Documentation documentation], and
-the like, are subject to reviews by the other contributors to the project.
-You need to agree to the [ContributionReviews contribution review processes] 
-developed by the Melange community in order to contribute to the Melange
-==  Testing ==
-Source code contributions to the Melange project are subject to
-[TestingGuidelines testing guidelines] that should be met _before_
-requesting a [ContributionReviews#Code_reviews code review] of a new
-[ContributionReviews#Patches patch] or
-[ContributionReviews#Branches major feature in a developer branch].
-You need to agree to the [TestingGuidelines#Policies testing policies]
-developed by the Melange community in order to contribute to the Melange
-== Mailing lists ==
-The Melange community uses a pair of mailing lists to communicate.
-The first, the
-[MailingListsGuidelines#General_discussion_list discussion mailing list],
-is used for general announcements.  The second, the
-[MailingListsGuidelines#Developer_list developer mailing list], is
-used strictly by project owners and members of the
-[ SoC project] on
-[ Google Code].  Please take a look at the
-[MailingListsGuidelines mailing list guidelines].  Everyone
-participating on these mailing lists is asked to abide by them, not
-just Melange contributors.
-== IRC channel ==
-The Melange community communicates informally using the `#melange` channel
-on `` ([ Freenode]).  Please take a look
-at the [IrcChannelGuidelines IRC channel guidelines].  Everyone
-participating on the `#melange` channel is asked to abide by them, not
-just Melange contributors.
-_Copyright 2008 Google Inc._
-_This work is licensed under a_
-[ Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License].
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