| #summary "Why My Patch Doesn't Need Tests" |
| #labels Importance-Useful,Phase-QA,Contents-Complete |
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| Author: Adrienne Walker and Raphaël Moll (colleagues of Nathaniel's at Google) |
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| ==_Appeal To Importance_== |
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| This needs to land this right now to fix a bug / make a milestone / my hair’s on fire; can't you understand that there's no time for tests?? |
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| ==_Sufficient Coverage Argument_== |
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| This CL already has at least one unit test, and therefore should be considered reasonably tested. |
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| ==_Argument From Historical Laziness_== |
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| This other pre-existing system doesn’t have tests, so my similar new system shouldn’t need any either! |
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| ==_Missing Infrastructure Argument_== |
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| There’s no good way to write these tests easily, so I shouldn’t need to write them. |
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| ==_Insufficient Coverage Argument_== |
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| The tests requires extensive mocking (of servers, RPCs, filesystems, 3d party libs with their own side-effects, GUI) and would thus not test the real system but a limited fictional subsystem. Such tests would be totally irrelevant so they need not be written. |
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| ==_Just a Refactoring Argument_== |
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| All functionality in this patch is already entirely covered by preexisting tests. Trust me. |
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| ==_Promise Of Future Work_== |
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| I pinky-swear that I will write a follow-up CL that adds tests, just as soon as I fix these other things first... |
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| ==_The Proof is in the Pudding_== |
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| We're already using this for releases. It clearly works so we don't need to write tests. At this point we empirically have full coverage and just found a couple minor bugs. |